"Experience a Transformational Shift with Regressive Hypnotherapy - A Holistic Quick Fix for Internal Struggles!"

жертва в отношениях в жизни
TRH targets anxiety, anger, sleep disorder, fears, phobias, chronic conditions, confidence in business, bad habits, emotional eating...

"Experience a Transformational Shift with Regressive Hypnotherapy - A Holistic Quick Fix for Internal Struggles!"

Transform your life and feel like your true self!

Experience abundance, joy, and deep Self-Love. Whether it's money, relationships, weight loss, or inner peace that you crave, I can help.

Transformational hypnotherapy approach will help you tap into your True Inner Potential FAST and achieve your goals effortlessly. Don't wait any longer to start your journey towards a happier, healthier you!

Why is this method SO effective?
Your Energy Field
Before the Session
Your Energy Field After
the Sessions
Experiencing low energy levels, hindered by the presence of negative thoughts and emotions. Suffering from physical discomfort and various ailments. Operating with a limited consciousness.
Mindfulness awakens with fluctuations. The individual embraces progress towards the light, devoid of any desire to regress. Though energy remains unsettled, significant progress has been made.
High-frequency vibrations and expanded consciousness connect one to the creative force of the Universe, enhancing sensory perception and fostering love for self and the world.
Your Energy Field changing
during the Sessions
Target Your Subconscious for Lasting Change! And It Works!
Experience the Power of Transformational Regressive Hypnotherapy, where we target your subconscious mind for profound change.

Unlike traditional therapy, we deliver trackable results quickly, eliminating the need for lengthy psychoanalysis and saving you time & money.
Unlock incredible outcomes in just a few sessions, with lasting transformations that will stay with you for a lifetime.

During the initial consultation, I will tailor our sessions accordingly, paving the way for your journey to personal freedom, unbounded happiness, and true liberation.

Take the first step towards a life of unparalleled joy and liberation.

When we radically HEAL OUR MINDS and reprogram our outdated negative beliefs, we begin to act as an Authentic Selves. We begin to live completely FREE from the restrictions that previously prevented us from being Happy, Productive & Loving.

How a session works
The doors of positive change open ONLY from WITHIN.
Long-lasting changes are beginning TODAY
You and Angelica will spend the first 30 minutes using up portions of the assignments you reached during hypnotherapy.
We analyse all blocks: pain, negative beliefs, the causes of diseases, and the path to total LIBERATION. We determine the goals of the sessions and the DESIRED STATE to which you want to come.This is an important step to achieving LASTING & BEAUTIFUL RESULTS!
Angelica will help you enter a state of deep relaxation, which allows access to your subconscious mind. This state of deep relaxation also triggers your body to enter into what is called a theta brainwave state, which is a very slow brainwave state associated with your subconscious. You will be able totally relax.

This is where the magic happens: During this segment of the session, the subconscious gives us all the keys to TOTAL Healing. Often deeply "buried" memories (even from past lives) emerge that contributed to the emergence of a problem, trauma. Angelica will gently guide you through this process to reveal situations that changed your life for the worse and led you to what you have.

There is a lot of deep work going on here. Most of these events you do not remember even if you try without hypnosis. If a character from your past, could be a parent, teacher or partner, has contributed to your problem, you will have the opportunity to confront that person, so that you can COMPLETELY let go of all negative emotions that are contributing to your problem now.

You reunite with the version of yourself that originally came into this world for Happiness, Love, Joy, and Peace. If the child has experienced negative events, we will heal it completely. You will no longer have such memories, in principle. They are completely disappear from your consciousness and body. We restore FULL INTEGRITY and remove, at a deep level, everything that prevents you from being yourself HERE & NOW.
Last, there is a period where Angelica clearly distinguishes these PAST memories from your PRESENT reality. This is the key to TRH therapy. Your subconscious is programmed to that these things happened in the past and do not have anything to do with your present reality. Angelica imbues this portion with positive messaging relating to what you two discussed during consultation.
Angelica gently brings you out of hypnosis. You awaken feeling a little groggy, refreshed, and like you just processed a lot! It’s recommended after this time to take it easy, hydrate, practice self care, and just be with yourself. You have to go to bed before 22:00.
Result after 1-4 sessions
Your willingness to engage in the process play a significant role in determining the extent of the changes you will feel.
Rest assured, you can expect a noticeable difference in your well-being, with results tailored to meet your specific requirements. The transformative power of the sessions will be evident, reflecting your commitment to the process and your openness to embrace positive change.
Results after 5-8 sessions
Rest assured, you not only achieve but surpass your goals. Through our sessions, you will discover a newfound sense of confidence, stability, and happiness that may have eluded you for years. Finally, find complete healing from the issues that have burdened you, physical & mental as your reality begins to shift and your inner self radiates with joy.
from Greatful Customers
Due to understandable privacy concerns, the majority of clients prefer to maintain their autonomy and choose not to share public reviews.
Divorce Recovery
After a series of sessions, I can honestly attest to the profound transformation I have experienced. Bitterness, anger, regret, despair, and sadness surrounding my ex-partner have all but vanished. Similarly, the feelings of annoyance, irritation, and anger I harbored towards my parents have been replaced with acceptance, love, and understanding. This newfound perspective has revitalized these relationships and allowed me to appreciate their complexities and origins. Astonishingly, resolving my feelings towards my ex opened doors to an unexpected and fulfilling aspect of my life. I have witnessed the entrance of many incredible women, aligning with the relationships I genuinely desired.
Self-love journey. Repaired my soul & body
Dear Angelica, you repaired my soul and my body. I contacted you when I was totally devastated, when my mind and my thought was disrupted. The problems with my family, I had the losses in business and also with my friends. It was a critical period in my life. During the sessions, you made me cry, you made me laugh, you made me love again some people. After our sessions I feel myself more complex, bold, strong. I can move forward, I can reach my aims and I'm seems to be that something is changed inside.
Recovered Feminine Energy
Now, after discovering Angelica and undergoing transformational hypnotherapy, I have established a profound connection with my inner voice, my intuition. I wish this connection for every person on our planet. It is through a skilled guide like Angelica that I was able to achieve this remarkable transformation. The power of our subconscious mind is awe-inspiring, containing every experience, feeling, and situation we have encountered.... .

A Transformational Journey & Life-Changing experience.
My life was forever changed after collaborating with Angelica. Her remarkable expertise as an energy healer and hypnotherapist is unparalleled. Prior to encountering Angelica, I remained unaware of the emotional barriers that had engulfed my body. My struggle to convey my emotions had persisted throughout my life. Often lost in thought, my body existed as a separate entity, its presence made known through occasional pains that reminded me of my existence. Everything shifted during our initial session when I sensed an unprecedented energy flow within me.
Talk to my subconscious. Please
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