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Because life is easier with an expert in your corner.
Love is not thoughts, it is a feeling...

"When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better."
― Paulo Coelho

Angelica Marquass is a renowned expert in transformational hypnotherapy, specializing in non-verbal hypnosis, regression hypnotherapy, and quantum healing (medical intuitive) Her unique abilities have been passed down through her lineage from her great-grandmother, a healer from Inner Mongolia. These ancestral gifts and her innate talent enable her to perceive and sense what remains hidden to most, making her therapy truly exceptional.

Approach and Philosophy Angelica’s approach combines modern therapeutic techniques, including various forms of hypnosis. Guided by the wisdom of the Higher Self (Christ consciousness), her medical intuitive body scanning and energy healing reveal deep emotional and energetic links to physical symptoms. By integrating intuitive insights with evidence-based methods, she provides clients with a comprehensive path to profound healing, empowerment, and lasting personal transformation.

Angelica has extensive professional experience, gained through years of work in major cities such as Singapore, Shanghai, and Hong Kong. Her mission is to help people overcome fears, pain, trauma, and inner restlessness, unlocking their full potential and guiding them toward achieving their life goals. She believes that underlying causes drive anxiety, doubt, and insecurity, and she helps her clients transform these states: fear into courage, doubt into confidence, pain into healing, and self-pity into empowerment.

Key Skills and Services

Transformational Healing Therapy (Hypnotherapy & Energy healing combined techniques)
Tailored sessions that address subconscious blocks, such as trauma, stress, and negative patterns, fostering lasting mindset changes.

Medical Intuitive Body Scanning
Angelika conducts intuitive body scans to detect imbalances and identify their causes. Guided by the Higher Self, she uncovers energetic and emotional blocks, clears them from the client’s energy field, and stabilizes the physical body. This technique combines scanning, clearing, and balancing to accelerate recovery and healing.

Mind-Body Hypnotherapy
Harmonizing the mental and physical body through guided hypnosis and energy healing.

Past Life Regression
Exploring past influences, unlocking hidden potential, and releasing generational patterns for deeper emotional freedom.

Group Work

Angelika offers transformative group experiences designed to foster collective healing and self-discovery:
  • Kundalini Meditations: Energizing practices that activate inner energy, promote spiritual awakening, and enhance overall well-being.
  • Self-Love Heart-Opening Meditations: Guided meditations focused on cultivating deep self-love, emotional balance, and connection with the heart center.
These group sessions create a supportive environment for participants to explore their inner world, release emotional blocks, and experience profound transformation together.

Client testimonials highlight her ability to deeply understand people's states and effectively resolve even the most complex issues.
from Greatful Customers
Delf-love journey. Repaired my soul & body.
Dear Angelica, you repaired my soul and my body. I contacted you when I was totally devastated, when my mind and my thought was disrupted. the problems with my family, I had the losses in business and also with my friends. It was a critical period in my life. During the sessions, you made me cry, you made me laugh, you made me love again some people. After our sessions I feel myself more complex, bold, strong. I can move forward, I can reach my aims and I'm seems to be that something is changed inside.
Recovered Feminine Energy
Now, after discovering Angelica and undergoing transformational hypnotherapy, I have established a profound connection with my inner voice, my intuition. I wish this connection for every person on our planet. It is through a skilled guide like Angelica that I was able to achieve this remarkable transformation. The power of our subconscious mind is awe-inspiring, containing every experience, feeling, and situation we have encountered.... .

Divorce Recovery
After a series of sessions, I can honestly attest to the profound transformation I have experienced. Bitterness, anger, regret, despair, and sadness surrounding my ex-partner have all but vanished. Similarly, the feelings of annoyance, irritation, and anger I harbored towards my parents have been replaced with acceptance, love, and understanding. This newfound perspective has revitalized these relationships and allowed me to appreciate their complexities and origins. Astonishingly, resolving my feelings towards my ex opened doors to an unexpected and fulfilling aspect of my life. I have witnessed the entrance of many incredible women, aligning with the relationships I genuinely desired.
Review from Italy
I am deeply grateful to Angelica and wanted to share my heartfelt appreciation with all of you. Angelica Marcos is an extraordinary individual whose healing abilities as a hypnotherapist have brought about a remarkable transformation in my life.
This experience has been truly life-changing, bringing me immense joy and fulfillment. I am now confident in declaring that I have achieved my financial goals and continue to attract new clients. I want to express my deepest gratitude to Angelica.
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